Saturday, November 7, 2009

Exceed All Expectations

Today was Kickoff Day for Team In Training!!!

We met at UC Berkeley (Go Bears!) for the official start of the season and we got a lot of good info, including our workout schedules.  We also heard from some honorees and their stories were very inspiring.  I know my dad will be proud of me no matter what distance I run for him but now that I have decided to run with Team In Training I have a lot of people counting on me.  I owe it to my team, my chapter, our honorees, and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to do my very best at raising funds to continue to improve and save lives.

Our schedule didn't have us set to run until tomorrow but the stories I heard today inspired me to start today.  I went to the gym and I ran 1mi. in 12min 53sec. and then I biked for 1mi.  Mama Lisa said we shouldn't do more than what is in the schedule, especially if we are new to running but I thought 1mi. wouldn't be so bad.  As I ran I saw a large sign on the wall that said, "Exceed All Expectations".  I really liked that and decided that was going to be my motto.  That is a motto not just for my training, but a motto that's good to live by in all areas of my life.  I'm starting a new job on Monday where expectations will be high but I'm confident that I can even exceed expectations there.

This little trial run I did tonight was a good lesson for me.  I forgot to bring the sensor for my ipod Nano so that I could use Nike+.  I need to be sure to remember that for now on.  I also am thinking that when I run outdoors I'm not going to have to wear a ton of clothes because my temperature definitely did rise and that would have been uncomfortable if I hadn't been able to remove my shirt (I ran in my sports bra but it covered everything).  My music was also a little boring.  I think I might try listening to an audio book and see if that's any better.

The schedule tomorrow says:
Easy Run (20-30 min.)
Cross Train
Stretch 15-20 min.

I'll do the 20-30 min. run tomorrow but I don't think I'm at the point yet where I'd call that "easy".  Right now, that's kind of my max.

An estimated 110,960 new cases of blood cancers will be diagnosed nationwide this year alone; some 55,100 patients will die.  Please consider sponsoring me by donating to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society on my Team In Training webpage.   Become part of the cure!

Thank you!

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